

Come to me, see me as your helper I am willing and able to help you my royal child. You are so very precious in my sight. Let me in. Let me fill the rooms in your heart, the dark places too. I have new coming it is good. Relax everything in its time, I have it all for you dear, so much good it may leave you in tears…

I am coming I am coming swift as the night and sooner than later we both will take flight. Onwards and upwards and still a bit more onwards and outwards away from the shore. Away from the pain, the sorrow, the dread I long oh how I long to lift up your head. Yes child, yes beloved one I care for you now much more than some. For I am the Lord the Almighty one the one who calls you His child His beloved one. I only see you through eyes of grace because I so long to look on your face. How much really would the world be if simply I couldn’t have time with thee? I came hither and unto my beloved she moves she stirs and looks unto me. I take her in hand and we dance her and I and wish to lift her up into the sky. Dance among the stars said she I wish this more than anything. I came down wrapped her around and soon we were up and spinning around. I looked only unto her face and she looked around, matching my pace. So beautiful and awestruck my beloved just there, she was the most lovely floating mid-air. I love it she said heart but a gasp as a tear trickled down her cheek. Always let’s come here she said but alas I told her this was a one night sort of thing. She held me tighter than before and I whispered all kinds of secrets over her. Overwhelmed and taken by it all my beloved didn’t want to leave no not at all. I will always spend time with you I said and I returned her to her bed. Flying through the air with such speed there really wasn’t else much to need. Free and graced, loosed and new she went back to dreaming with heart now renewed.

Closer to me

Child, friend, lover that is what I call you, deeper and higher to greater and greater things. I know you dear one greater than you know yourself. I created you special, unique, formless and yet I made a new thing with you a broke the mold. You are so special, my dearest. I love you dearly. I long to be near you, with you. Do not shy away from me. Take everything to me, I know it already, but wish to hear it from you. I do want you. I WANT you. I want YOU. All of you. You, your core self not what the world sees, what you wish you were, no the real and true you on the inside. I see all, all of you, but don’t be afraid I have you in the palm of my hand always child looking out for my precious one. I am anointing you in this season to do great things in seasons yet to come. I love you. I AM for you. Change your mindsets dear one I need you whole and pure and new in Christ. You’ve been lied to, I strip these things off of you and replace them with gold- radiant and beautiful. You will win victory, I have much coming to you, much you must do first. Just rest, I am in control of your life and destiny. I have everything set up according to my design, it’s true new things are coming forth. I am coming soon.

October 12, 2018

BIG VAST INFINITE Being with unlimited power to work towards and for you my sweet daughter. You ask me a lot why things happen, I have the beginning and end of time before me; every moment and it’s not overwhelming to me I can handle it because I am God the Lord infinite in power and wisdom, understanding, truth and love. I have the best in mind for you my child, my girl, my friend. I have you right where you should be always in the palm of my hand. Never too far, never forgotten, never alone. I am with you always through all time. I can and will do what I please and you cannot stop my blessings child, they are not earned or merited. I have them for you stop reaching for them before it is time. Relax, slow down and enjoy the process. Everything doesn’t happen now it happens when it’s designed to and best for you. I know this is the hard part: the waiting, the trusting, but I have everything together and worked out on my end. Looks impossible to you, but easy for me daughter, child. If only you knew my thoughts towards you, you would never doubt me again. Trust me, trust me with everything not just the safe bits. I know it’s hard and trusting isn’t your favorite, but I have good coming and trusting is part of that too. Trust daughter, trust my heart for you is good, eager, and ready and willing to bless and to be a blessing. I have it all laid out ahead of you, don’t give up just yet. I know that feels easier but I have you, don’t worry or fret it’s going to be okay. Trust and obey you are doing fine my love, but keep coming to me first I am your source, life, husband, the one with it all planned out and showing you which steps to take. I love you, seeing you grow up and be you 🙂 using your heart and talents to serve others puts a smile on my face and love just grows for you in my heart. I do watch you daughter. I am not the absentee father your dad was I see your every move, watch your every step, harkening to my whisper my nudge; do this, go here, you listen, you follow, you obey I know you do child, I watch I listen, we dance together 🙂 OK? I DO love you and I want you and I’m coming for you, OK? My friend, my child, LOVE LOVE LOVE nothing evil, sinister, or frightening banish those thoughts you’ve had them, they’ve held your back, let go…trust my heart for you is good not this sinister, evil guy that’s not me that’s him! OK? He’s tricking you and keeping you from coming to me. I have nothing but good for you it might not seem that way to you but remember my perspective is different and eternally minded alright? LOOOOONG term, not short term. You understand more than you know let me wash over you, let me heal your heart, make you new, like fire on a hot summer’s day…it blazes away…

November 10, 2016

Dearest beloved child,

My child, I am always going to be working in you my child. It is a process for everyone not just you. Have some patience with yourself. It’s going to be ok. You will be so much stronger after all this than you even know or realize. You are blinded by the process, I see the whole thing. I see you finished on the other side, so have hope! Yes hope that is something you tend not to allow in your life because of all the disappointment you’ve seen already I am more than capable of bringing my promises to pass. I’m not indifferent towards you, I weep with you dear one. I cry and feel pain just like you, made in my image remember? I’ve got you child, you are safe with me I’ve got you. Everything is ok and will be ok. My child you judge your progress and it is a process. Don’t rush ahead my child and it is OK TO FEEL. So allow yes allow yourself to feel. You’ve been bottled up for sometime so you’re going to experience some new things and that’s ok too! Don’t be afraid ask me questions and for help and it’s alright to cry. I’m coming to you during these times, in this season in the night watches. I have plans for you deep and wonderful plan timeless plans you cannot “miss” them my child. These things are locked away safely just for you waiting for me to unlock them and give them to you. I hear you, I do hear you I listen I bend my ears to hear your whispers in the dead of night even when you’re afraid, I am there. I know your sense of perfection and justice sometimes prevents you from seeing my grace in your life. I never “loose track of you” that’s another lie, that I wait until you are WAY off course to come find you and they distort the Scriptures of leaving the 99 to find the one. NO I AM INTIMATELY involved in everything you do. Everything! I AM always with you. Always working my plan into your life preventing disaster, protecting your heart and a thousand million other things you wouldn’t understand if I told you. It’s ok for me to hide something from you. The world has taught you all secrets are bad and will eventually hurt you. Not with me. With me my secrets are meant to explore you. Yes you read that right. Sometimes there are things you can’t know yet so I hide them in your heart, then on the right day or “at the right time” it is revealed to you. Tadah! 😉 The depths in you child are secret to you. We are learning together. No you are not 1 dimensional and NO you do not have to be afraid. This isn’t stuff from the enemy or your past. This is me helping you understand you my magnificent creation. Because I made you with many layers and not everyone will see every one of them, Ok? Some secrets are secrets and some to be made known. Never doubt our connection child, you cannot leave the vine, I have grafted you into the vine and I am the vinedresser. No one else is going to put you any place. That’s where you are in the vine. That’s it. You are hungry for more I like that, but don’t grow discontent my child either. Don’t worry. I’ve got you, you are doing so great. I know it doesn’t feel like it but you are fine ok?

Love you dear,

Alpha and Omega

November 7, 2016

My dearest beloved child,

Mmmm I’m thinking about you child right now in this moment. Don’t be afraid, and don’t doubt my heart towards you. Yes you want things all laid out but my child, it would overwhelm you. You can’t do it better than me I promise. You’re so afraid of the future that I have for you when you needn’t be. Yes new is coming, yes change too, but you’ve been praying for this…why stop now? Why resist the very change you’ve asked me for? It doesn’t make sense I know your mind is troubled and you’re having a hard time hearing me it’s ok my sweet child. I’m holding you so close right now, do you feel it? Can you feel my arms around you? I’ve NEVER lost sight of you. And I NEVER overlook you. I know you crave attention and affirmation that you’re on the right track and doing the right things and the detailed plan please with bullet points and how to’s. Really my child, my beloved, I HAVE YOU. Do not worry I AM at work in your life, you’ll see it soon.

November 4, 2016

Don’t be afraid of me. I see your tears girl. Dry your eyes I’m not mad with you. Sad for you, for believing lies about yourself that are not true! You are a pure and spotless bride my child. I purchased this for you with MY BLOOD. So you can tell that devil where to go. 😉 I have a plan, I’m bringing it to pass. I orchestrate I legislate I direct and it is well. All is well. You can’t miss it or screw it up. I’ve got you and you are surrendered to me, I DO see that I LOVE THAT!! Prepare my child, my child my friend. Prepare in the ways I will tell you. It will be a challenge sometimes but don’t despise small beginnings. I am coming. I am coming. I am coming soon I will be I will be I will be here. Here. Here. I am here. Do you see the many ways I am involved in your life now? I can do much more but will you let me? Possess you completely? It’s not a bad or scary thing. My child you were MADE for my Spirit to live in you. It’s here now. You are bonded with me, never fear. He has a hold on you that no one and nothing can touch. Jewel. I see you as a jewel being forged in the fires of adversity, pain, and suffering, but you will come out radiant. Yes my child you above all else are victorious in Christ Jesus. Accept there are things you know not of yet. This is ok it means you can grow. I don’t look for perfection, I look for a yielded and willing spirit like yours. You want me so bad you can’t stand it! I know it’s ok child. I will fill you, I will manifest in you and don’t worry you don’t have to look or do like anybody else. You and me are a unique combination. No two are alike us in all of creation ever was or will be. You are irreplaceable sweetest dearest child of my heart that abounds in love. For you is a room, a place you can run to to feel safe to be excused from the world to be sheltered in the midst of the storms of life. I will bring you there soon. Yes it will be different.Don’t be scared. I have many mysteries to reveal to you yes many mysteries indeed. I know it’s a lot all at once for you, but you’re doing great I promise. Handling things as they come up and taking it to me. Even asking God what is this? is enough for me to get involved. I come I do come child you might not perceive it but I’m in it with you amen.

November 1, 2016

My dear,

I’ve been waiting for you…where did you go? =( I want to talk to your sweetheart. You have to make time to listen baby. I’m here. I’m always here =) I love you and want to be with you my friend. I do hear your every word to me. I love you and I am working with and leading you. Sometimes it’s more clear than others. I am pouring our my heart to you. I promise to you I love you and speak life in these times. Guard your heart and treasure, treasure my words to you.

Love you,

Daddy God

Confirming Your Identity Part 1

I created you so super special and unique. Yes, Heaven danced as you were created in your momma’s womb. You were magnificent right there! You had done nothing yet and I LOVED YOU. I thought this one is awesome-amazing! Full of purpose and destiny…

Then when you were born, the winds of adversity began to blow and caught up around you lies and twisted your soul. My darling creation! Marred and twisted by sin, but I DID NOT REJECT YOU! Hear me sweet pea, all those challenging times I WAS THERE WITH YOU. As I said before, I sent you: a specific and purposed piece of my heart into the world and the world tried to snuff you out. But I was watching over you, yes in the palm of my hand you rested and lay. ALWAYS. I never took my eyes off you, I never looked away or stopped caring. ALWAYS and FOREVER my love goes on for you.

So then later you said yes to me in your heart and my plan for creation began to spring forth. See? I hid your true purpose, mind, intent inside and now as the Master Builder I bring those things out. Untouched by the world they are keen and new, just as when I put them in you. You might think you were marred beyond repair, you weren’t sweet pea because I was right there. I masterfully had you in my care at all times. Now to you it seems I left you at times, but my nail-scarred hands links yours to mine. It’s an exchange you see of sin for healing. When you accepted me I did the rest.

I laid it all out and started my work. That’s all you’re going through my sweet, me in you and you in me. I’m not saying “I made you wrong” or “you’re too messed up” I’m saying come over here now and I’ll open you up. To new things, beautiful things and best of all now you hear me and see me at work in you now. You are NOT a lost cause! Rest now I tell you trust my heart in this, think of it this way: the woman I originally planned and created you to be you haven’t even met yet! You should be excited instead of angry and cold, or is it because you’ve never been told?

Your heart, soul and spirit are linked to me. I am in you, I made you intrinsically. Yes, specifically and for a very good purpose, I planned your life, birth and creation. Time is relative my dear you see past, present, future but I can work in all of you at once! I know a crazy thought, but really I’ve got you in all of this.

Know your worth, know your value and even more know I am in you and this alone makes you my special treasure. I mean literally our spirits are one and you encompass a part of my heart all alone. Only you can do this and you do it with ease. Your purpose, destiny is not just ONE thing! Forget you these labels they don’t become you. More specifically they can’t encompass you. When you label you limit! Don’t let religion pigeon-hole you! I’m breaking their mold with you. You have a unique blend of multiple things, that’s what you are. Some are hidden yet to be revealed but please stop labeling yourself! You are so much more than a label my child!!! 😀 Yes I designed you perfect. So embrace my design of you, go ahead. BE YE NON CONVENTIONAL INSTEAD! Hahahaha! We will laugh together you and I as the “establishment” church tries to pin you down. They won’t be able to handle you, that’s OK! It’s good even, I’m shaking things up.

Don’t worry! Don’t be afraid just cling to me it’s going to be a wild ride, but you’ll love it! BE FREE CHILDBE YOU. As they say “I’ll do me and you do you.” Just be you, explore, open, investigate sure! Discover yourself as there is so much more!

Papa Bear God 😀

An encounter with the Healer

Really my child, my beloved I HAVE YOU. Do not worry I AM at work in your life, you’ll see it soon. I have something for you coming…coming soon. Yes a gift to be received Amen and treasured and kept hidden for the right time NOW IS THE TIME. I call it out from the shadows from the dark where it’s dwelt this new thing, amazing thing which I have kept. Misaligned and malformed I’ve reshaped it to the core, I’ve melted and molded and molded some more. Do you know what it is? I’m sure you’ve worked it out, for the thing that I give to you is your heart!

Yes buried by trauma, selfishness, greed and all those other uncomely seeds. A weed grew into a garden and more and choked out the life that flowed from your core. And now you must listen as I awake again this thing that’s inside you full of hope and not dread.

He is coming I whisper like a song to your chest, I breathe and I whisper and I beat that small chest. Come alive, yes come alive once more! You never know who’s coming and knocking at your door…

“It is I,” said the prince to the princess at long last, “Yes I have come to restore you to the best version of yourself. Take a knew my dear princess who’s survived such great storms FIERY storms, terrible storms, things of not which we speak.” He came nearer to her and closer even still she thought this man odd and yes just a bit queer. He motioned to her silently and held out his hand she took it without hesitation, word or command. He lifted her to her feet and she felt quite enlightened; the scars and depression had all but abated.

“Please,” she said, “my prince,” she hesitated, could this be real or another false invitation?

“Yes my love?” said the prince sparkling love in his eyes with a knowing that seemed that nothing to Him was a surprise.

“Please dear sir, can I ask just one wish?”

“Yes,” said her Lord and bent down for a kiss. One her head his lips brushed her forehead so lightly and all of her fears gave up and alighted. At last and for the very first time she relaxed and embraced him without reservation.

“Healing my sweet has come to you today, deep unlocking peace as things were cut away. I cannot tell you that pain will not come, but I love you and my love is MORE THAN ENOUGH TO OVERCOME. Victory my girl, my princess in training, yes victory, VICTORY!”

And her arms did relax and let go of the insinuous past. Around her hands were tied vines and other growth cutting so deep and dangerous and crawling towards her heart. With her hands and heart relaxed and surrendered the prince made quick work of them and freed her with ease. She burst out crying at her blood torn wrists, but the prince just kissed them and held up her fists.

“Father,” he said with voice so loud, “this girl has been wronged, this girl has been bound!  I have released her and I paid the price, now Abba my Abba sweet and so mighty come and restore her fresh and deep, and long and wide and deep inside  remove the scars and heart renew. Wash her now and make her new!”

Amazing at first it seemed to her that nothing was happening but then she saw she started to glow and all around grew beams of light and a smell of ozone just before  the night.

When everything was done, she looked down and to her amazement she wore a gown! Sparkling and twinkling with crystals, diamonds, and jewels everywhere and her hands? Well her hands were quite different now, instead of those scars and tightly wound vines she saw bracelets of beauty and jewels abound! Her nails were quite pretty instead of short and dull and the pain has vanished as if it never had happened at all! She looked up at the Prince overwhelmed and ready to fall! And all at once she was in his arms and felt this day was the best of them all.

I love you.


Your Daddy God

This entry was posted on November 7, 2016. 2 Comments